Iben Duvald receives grants for her research in the reorganisation of the Danish acute health care system
Iben Duvald has received DKK 4.9 million for a research project and DKK 6.1 million for a strategic research programme with DEFACTUM
Iben Duvald has received DKK 4.9 million from Midtklyngen (collaboration between the Regional Hospital of Viborg and Skive, Silkeborg and Viborg municipalities) for her research project “Cross-sectoral in-home hospital treatment of acute sick elderly medical patients”.
Moreover, in 2024-2026 Iben Duvald will be co-leading a regional strategic research programme together with Camilla Palmhøj Nielsen, the head of research at DEFACTUM (department of research and consultancy within the Central Denmark Region). The research programme will focus on the transition of the Danish healthcare system, where more tasks are moving from the hospitals to the primary healthcare sector. In the programme, Iben will lead a work package focusing on the reorganisation of the somatic acute health care system in the region. DEFACTUM and Iben have received DKK 6.1 million from the Central Denmark Region for the research programme.