Large intake of students to new Master’s degree programme in Commercial and Retail Management

Interest in becoming one of the first students in Denmark to specialise in Commercial and Retail Management has been overwhelming. This degree programme is offered by Aarhus BSS at Aarhus University for people who hold a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business Administration or similar. Approximately 100 new master’s students have just enrolled in the new programme, a level of interest that is both encouraging and surprising.

Anders Holch-Poulsen, CEO of Bestseller, actively promotes the degree programme to bachelor students at a meeting in February. Photo: Søren Kjeldgaard

Aarhus BSS has developed the Master’s degree programme in Commercial and Retail Management in close cooperation with prominent actors in the consumer goods industry, and this week the first students started master’s courses in Economics and Business Administration specialising in the value chain of retailing.

Per Bank, CEO of Salling Group and Anders Holch-Poulsen, CEO of Bestseller, actively promoted the degree programme to bachelor students at a meeting last February.

“Our hope was for a group of 30 or so students, and the optimists were hoping for around 60 – so to have almost 100 new students starting the new degree programme this week is rather surprising, but also very encouraging. I have not seen an intake this size in any new Economics and Business Administration master’s programme for years, if ever”, said Jacob Kjær Eskildsen, Head of the Department of Management at Aarhus BSS.

The chair of the Founding Partners Group, Carsten Wandorf, CEO of Fritz Schur Consumer Group, is delighted to see the strong interest in the new degree programme. “I’m naturally thrilled to see that the students have confidence in the cooperation between the consumer goods industry and Aarhus University, and recognise that this degree may pave the way for a faster climb up the career ladder in an industry where things are constantly developing and changing”, he said.

The companies that form the founding partners group have an active role to play in the degree programme and its courses through guest lectures, internships and Master’s theses collaborations. They will also be offering a number of relevant student jobs.


Founding Partners:

  • Arla
  • Bestseller
  • Danish Crown
  • JYSK
  • KFI
  • MLDK
  • Rema 1000
  • Salling Group

Further information:

Head of Department Jacob Kjær Eskildsen
Department of Management, Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University
Tel: +45 31 60 81 00

Chair of the Founding Partners Carsten Wandorf, CEO of MLDK and Fritz Schur Consumer Group
Tel: + 45 40 32 62 67