ScienceAtHome and the Center for Hybrid Intelligence join MGMT

ScienceAtHome and the Center for Hybrid Intelligence move from Department of Physics to Department of Management

Jacob Sherson (Photo: Lars Kruse)

We are happy to announce that the game-based citizen science project ScienceAtHome, and the associated Center for Hybrid Intelligence move from the Physics Department to MGMT. The centre will occupy the MGMT offices at the third floor in the S-building.
Currently, there are several MGMT researchers already associated with the centre, including Carsten Bergenholtz, Andrea Carugati and Oana Vuculescu. Over the next months, Centre Director Jacob Sherson will look forward to engaging in discussions with the MGMT scientific staff to ensure the reestablishment of a centre with participation from all faculties, but primarily a strong research foundation at Department of Management. The centre will be officially opened at a ceremony in 2021, date TBD.
Scientifically, the centre employs crowdsourcing and citizen science as a means to explore the optimal interplay between human and artificial intelligence: hybrid intelligence. In the research projects, particular emphasis is placed on understanding and fostering 21st century skills as seen through this hybrid intelligence lens. The game-and simulation-based approaches include detailed and scalable investigations of individual behaviour through both digital problem solving tasks and cognitive assessment ranging from basic cognitive skills to creative behaviour. In addition, social interactions are investigated through projects involving sustainable engagement, behavioural economics, and digital democracy. Finally, the centre will be prioritising extensive efforts associated with the future of work and digitally enhanced learning and training.
Structurally, apart from the broad range of affiliated researchers, the centre features a game and simulation development unit with a handful of talented and versatile programmers as well as a small but growing unit of data scientists.
Collaborations are extremely welcome and all researchers with ideas or questions are urged to reach out to Jacob Sherson or any of the other affiliated researchers.