John Ibsen Kjeldsen



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John Ibsen Kjeldsen CV


  • Forandringsledelse/entreprenørskab
  • Industriel markedsføring/indkøb-SCM
  • Relations- og teknologiledelse
  • Uddannelse for Iværksætteri
  • Universiteternes nye rolle




Research Projects: Both Project I and II have been completed. (see selected publications)

I: PROJECT RESME: One of the 3 founders of this Project. The 9 members of the group work individually and/or together in different groupings with subject areas that seek to gather, analyses, reflect and disseminate knowledge about entrepreneurship and business development (SME) in a broad sense. The group's research and disseminations are based on theory and empiricism - and its field of study includes societal, economic, and social conditions and effects for the development of entrepreneurship and/or enterprising behaviour for the individual organizational unit - and for the individual. The group focuses primarily, but not exclusively, on the conditions of the so-called knowledge-based sectors, i.e., biotech, IT etc.

In the context of RESME, a major project was carried out on women entrepreneurs and business owners. The project was supported by the Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs and was published in 2 reports in both Danish and English (Kjeldsen&Nielsen). The study consisted of analyses of existing secondary data, as well as primary data collection among 2000 female entrepreneurs, followed by qualitative studies of 30 female entrepreneurs and concluding with a focus group discussion with 6 of the female entrepreneurs.

PROJECT PILE is a part of RESME:  Pedagogical Innovation of Learning in Entrepreneurship: The PILE-research project (Pedagogical Innovation of Learning in Entrepreneurship) is funded by support from the Danish National Agency for Enterprise and Construction. The project comprises both survey and literature studies. Part of the survey is based on studies at Danish and European universities with experience in entrepreneurship education and research. The results of our findings have been published in a series of reports, publications in national and international journals.

Theoretical areas: Innovation (creativity and invention) -product, process, and business development. Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship. Entrepreneurial behaviour and enterprising behaviour. Entrepreneurship education. Change management and management and development of SME's. Entrepreneurship as learning processes. Development of enterprising behaviour with focus on new pedagogical methods and changed learning models. The entrepreneurial university. Female entrepreneurship.

II: PROJECT: Industrial Marketing and Purchasing - in a SCM Perspective.

Focusing at “Integrated Relationship Management and Technology Management in a Supply Chain perspective.”

 This project analyses and prepares normative proposals for how companies in the B2B market can most appropriately develop and exploit their opportunities in a SCM perspective. One focus area is Relationship Management in an integrated intra- and an inter-organizational perspective. Increasingly, the ability to select and implement new digital opportunities (AI, CIM, FMS, EDI) are becoming an important factor in managing both the inter- and intra-organizational relationships - and the interaction between these important aspects of the newer change management Philosophy. The project deduces theses that SMEs must increasingly be able to integrate the organizational and the digital tasks and processes if they are to succeed in the B2B market as a service-oriented production/project company in their “chosen” supply or value chain. The digitalization strategy can in a market-oriented way help the company to be more service oriented, satisfying the customers different needs (Management of the Servizitation concept).


One of the main points has been to develop theories and concepts within this "newer" management area, we will call “Integrated Relations and Integrated Technology Management”. Understanding, and been able to implement this combined strategy will be of growing importance in the new digital future. But it is also a difficult and complex management task in many SMEs. It requires the desire and ability to handle Change Management.


Director of studies: 1994-2016.

Director of the Executive Education Programs: Developing 14-month tailormade programs at master level for the top management group in 5 different companies. 2010-16. Focusing at change mangement.

Director of Study - MBA Programs, Aarhus School of Business (ASB): 2005-08.

Director of Study –All Graduate Diploma Programs, HD, Aarhus School of Business (ASB): 1994-2009

In collaboration with the University of Southern Denmark developing an E-MBA in Change Management. And developing the Modular part time -MBA. Inspiration from Bradford Management Centre, University of Leeds. 1997-99.

1996-2002: Responsible for the development and management of the Annual Business Conference of 1-2 days duration for managers in private and public companies.  Following on from this, a series of 1-day courses entitled "Research meets Practice."

Autumn 1992. Visiting Bradford Management Centre, Leeds University. Researching “How to develop a successful MBA".

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