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ICOA seminar: Øystein D. Fjeldstad, Professor, BI Norwegian Business School

"Health Care System Architecture: A Value Creation Perspective"

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Torsdag 14. januar 2016,  kl. 10:00 - 12:00


Room 1325-028

Abstract. Progress in diagnosing and treating illnesses has been followed by sharp, non-sustainable increases in costs. There is a need to fundamentally rethink the design of healthcare organizations. Current organizational arrangements have gradually evolved from diagnosis and treatment based on one-to-one patient-professional relationships. We propose a networked actor oriented architecture that can mobilize and integrate professional care resources, patients, family, and other community members in the delivery and improvement of care. We illustrate the proposed architecture with two cases and outline implications for organizational design and practice, technology development, as well as roles and responsibilities of all actors involved in healthcare.    

Øystein D. Fjeldstad is a professor at BI - Norwegian Business School, where he holds the Telenor Chair of International Strategy and Management.

Fjeldstad’s research is on models of value creation and on new organisational forms, with telecommunications, financial services, technology, maritime, and health care as the main empirical contexts. He has published in Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Long Range Planning, and Social Networks. Professor Fjeldstad is co-author of the seminal paper on collaborative communities: The architecture of collaboration. Strategic Management Journal 33, 2012: 734-750

Professor Fjeldstad has a Ph.D. in Business Administration and an MSc in Management Information Systems from the University of Arizona. He is also Siviløkonom from NHH Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration. He has been on the faculty of BI since 1989 and has during his tenure been Head of Department of Strategy as well as Dean of Academic Programs BI. Prior to joining BI Fjeldstad was a consultant and manager in Andersen Consulting (Accenture).