Professor Charles C. Snow will be visiting ICOA 22. February - 4. March

Info about event


Monday 22 February 2016, at 10:00 - Friday 4 March 2016, at 16:00


ICOA, Bartholins Allé 10

Charles C. Snow

Charles Snow is Professor Emeritus of Business Administration and a native Californian who has been at Penn State since 1974. During his career, he has taught students and executives in the United States and in more than 25 countries in Europe, Asia, and South America. He has been a visiting professor at The Amos Tuck School (Dartmouth College), Norwegian School of Management, and University of Oregon. Currently, he is a Professorial Fellow at the University of Melbourne and a Visiting Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Center for Organizational Architecture at the University of Aarhus, Denmark. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Management and is listed in theWho's Who in the Management SciencesGreat Writers on Organizations, and The IEBM Handbook of Management Thinking. Charles is also a Velux Visiting Professor at ICOA.

Read more about Charles Snow here