Ethnobotanical research

Jedidah Nankaya, Nathan Gichuki,  Catherine Lukhoba, Henrik Balslev: Prioritization of Loita Maasai medicinal plants for conservation; Springer, Biodiversity and Conservation (2021)

Nankaya. J., Gichuki, N., Lukhoba, C. and Balslev, H. (2019): Medicinal Plants of the Maasai of Kenya: A Review Plants

Nankaya. J., Gichuki, N., Lukhoba, C. and Balslev, H. (2019): Sustainability of the Loita Maasai Childrens’ Ethnomedicinal Knowledge  Sustainability 

Nankaya, J., Nampushi, J., Petenya, S. and Balslev, H. (2019): Ethnomedicinal plants of the Louta Maasai of Kenya  Environment, Development and Sustainability