ICOA at AOM in Chicago, 2024

During their attendance at the 42nd Academy of Management Annual Meeting in Chicago last week, Kyosuke Tanaka, Erik Reimer Larsen, Børge Obel and Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson successfully participated in several sessions.
Thursday to Friday, Børge and Dorthe joined the ‘Organizational Control Handbook Conference’, organized by Laura Cardinal, Chet Miller and Markus Kreutzer. Here, their joint chapter: ‘Control Design: From Weber to AI Robots’ was presented by Rich Burton (Duke University) and Børge.
Friday, Dorthe also served as discussant on the PDW: ‘Past, Present and Future of A Behavioral Theory of the Firm: Revisiting Foundations in the AI Age’. This PDW is becoming a classic, organized by Daniella Laureiro-Martinez, Felippe Csaszar, Hart Posen, Pino Audia.
On Saturday, Kyosuke participated in the Symposium: ‘Learning From and With Others‘, organized by Jerry Guo, Ronald klingebiel, and Thorsten Wahle with Linda Argote as discussant. Kyosuke presented his joint work with Erik and Dorthe: ‘Should I stay or Should I go: Influence Structures and Endogenous Coordination’.
Monday, Kyosuke’s joint work with Jerry Guo titled: ‘Communication Networks, Specialization, and Transactive Memory System Updating’ was presented by Jerry in the symposium: ‘Individual and Group Differences within the Carnegie Perspective’. This session was organized by Daniela Blettner and Sebastian Brion. Discussants were Pino Audia and Linda Argote.
Also Monday, Dorthe and Erik participated in the Panel ‘Decision-Making for Collective Organizing in Community Contexts’ where Dorthe presented their joint work with Alexandra Valencia Zapata: ‘Collaborating on natural resource commons: how information infrastructures influence individual decision-making’. They shared the stage with Daphne Quintella Coelho Dutra, Özgecan Kocak, Roberto Gutierrez, and Zorica Zagorac-Uremovic, who had organized the session.