News item

MAPP Conference 2023

The MAPP Conference takes place 19 April under the heading 'The Future of Sustainable Food Labelling'. The focus of this year's MAPP conference, co-organised with Food and Bio Cluster Denmark and Agro Food Park, will be to shed more light on the ongoing debate around sustainability food labelling.

The topic of sustainable food labelling has been the subject of much debate in Denmark and throughout the EU. On the one hand, implementing (a)sustainability label(s) for food products will aid consumers in making informed and environmentally friendly choices, improve transparency, and promote sustainable farming practices. Additionally, sustainable labelling may lead to a reduction in the overall environmental impact of the food industry. On the other hand, solely relying on labels may not be enough to bring about significant change in the food system. For example, labels may not provide enough information, and the question is whether it needs a comparison between different food groups or within a single product category. So, are sustainable food labels a way to go to change food choices and, if so, what will ensure a positive environmental and economic impact?

The focus of this year's MAPP conference, that is co-organised with Food and Bio Cluster Denmark and Agro Food Park, will be to shed more light on the ongoing debate around sustainability food labelling. By highlighting research and observations on the necessary steps to take, the conference aims to provide insight on how to effectively introduce sustainable food labels.

Read more and register for this free event at