MAPP Conference

Alternative Food Proteins and the Consumer - Should I Eat or Should I Go?

7 November 2024, 10:00-15:00, Agro Food Park 15, Aarhus

Alternative food proteins stand at the forefront of contemporary discussions concerning climate change and the establishment of sustainable food systems. The integration of diverse alternative protein sources such as plant-based, insect-derived, marine-based, or microbially produced proteins, holds immense potential to reduce the environmental footprint of diets, support ethical animal welfare, and enhance food security. Yet, the success of these innovative food sources critically depends on consumer acceptance, influenced by factors such as taste preferences, cultural norms, and the clarity of communications. A crucial question remains: How can alternative food proteins become a core component of consumer diets, and what strategies can ensure their successful integration into the market?

Join this year's MAPP conference, co-organised with Food and Bio Cluster Denmark and Agro Food Park, for an engaging debate on whether to 'eat' into the future with alternative proteins or 'go' with existing traditions. The conference will spotlight consumer insights from industry, research, and policymakers, providing strategies to effectively integrate alternative food proteins into the daily lives of consumers.

Target group
The conference is targeted to industry professionals, policy stakeholders, and academics.

Agenda will follow.

Participation is DKK 750 and limited to 100 participants.
You can register here:
Deadline for registration: 20 October 2024.

When you participate in this event, your time will be used as co-financing for the project Innovationkraft, which is funded by the Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen at a standard rate. 
Read more about the project