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Design-EM (a network set up by ICOA and CFA) held a workshop January 23-24 with our Italian partners from LUISS and UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI…
Iben Duvald has received DKK 4.9 million from Midtklyngen (collaboration between the Regional Hospital of Viborg and Skive, Silkeborg and Viborg…
Kyosuke Tanaka’s new joint work (with George Vega Yon at the University of Utah) at Social Networks explored Cognitive Social Structures (CSS) through…
On 23-25 November, the project group around the research project: ‘Patterns of Interaction’, funded by the Danish Independent Research Council…
Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson has been granted DKK 37,387 from the Carlsberg Foundation for a field trip to Maasai Mara, Kenya, for the project: ‘Providing…
In the period 5-12 October, ICOA was visited by Rich Burton, Duke University, and Charles Snow, Penn State University, for continued research…
On 6 October, we celebrated Professor Emeritus Børge Obel’s 50 years in academia and academic leadership. Børge gave an interesting talk entitled:…
The MGMT senior research award 2022-23 from the MGMT Research Committee went Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson at the summer event in June 2023. The MGMT senior…
On 22 February, Mirza Ramic successfully defended his PhD entitled: 'The Search for Solution Alternatives: A Multifaceted investigation of search…
Marianne Liviijn, former PhD student at ICOA, has been awarded:
'Organizational Design Community – Accenture Annual Prize for Best Practice-oriented…
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