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On 22 November, Simon Tobias Karg successfully defended his thesis entitled: ‘Partners in crime: Investigating influence factors and outcomes of…
Økonomi & Politik no. 3, 2021 – et temanummer om organisationsdesign
Iben Duvald has received a grant of DKK 996,055 from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (Call: Project support for exploratory studies in coherent treatment…
Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson organized a Panel Debate named: Organizing for Good: ‘Designing Sustainable Communities’ as part of the United Nations Refugee…
On Friday 19th March, Line Stjernholm Tipsmark successfully defended her PhD thesis: "Organisation of emergency departments: An evaluation of the…
Kyosuke Tanake, Eric Quintane and Gianluca Carnabuci join ICOA.
A long career in the university world, both at the former Aarhus School of Business and at Aarhus University, comes to an end. After many years as a…
The grant is for the project 'Patterns of Interactions: Emergence and Consequences'
Knowledge Flows in Corporations, Before, Under, and After Covid-19
Erik Reimer Larsen and Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson presented a poster of their new paper: ‘Can too many cooks spoil the broth? Boundary Conditions to…
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