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Cod waste can be transformed into high quality fish protein, which can be added to our food products and thereby contribute to both our health and the…
We love to shop online - but we have still not fully adopted the concept of online grocery shopping. A new study has identified three consumer…
Under the leadership of the MAPP Centre at Aarhus University, researchers have studied Europeans' eating habits during the corona crisis across 10…
Associate Professor of Management Alice Grønhøj has received a DKK 2.9 million grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark. She will investigate how…
Learn how to interpret food labels so you can make informed food choices and buy food that supports your health and wellbeing.
Hvis mænd over 55 år skal spise sundere, så kan samvær omkring maden i form af madlavnings- og spisefællesskaber være en del af løsningen. Det viser…
En del af de danske erhvervsskoleelever vil gerne spise sundere, men de mangler viden og kompetencer i forhold til mad - såkaldt ”food literacy” - for…
Vi er godt klar over, at vores eget forbrug af slik og chips er for højt - men vi mener hver især, at vores eget forbrug er lavere end andre danskeres…
As consumers are increasingly shifting towards healthier lifestyles and diets, the demand for healthier meat products is equally increasing.
Aarhus University focuses on developing sustainable packaging solutions for food. In a new research project, the MAPP Centre will be involved in…
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