Crystal Crop Fever

Crystal Crop Fever (CCF) focuses on how teams manage complex problems in the fields of management, organizational science, and sociology.

It explores mutual influence dynamics, task division, and the conditions that foster efficient teamwork. The project views intricate problems as landscapes, where each point represents a potential solution. The quality of the solution is depicted by the landscape's elevation. 

The project employs a game-based methodology to explore two-dimensional problem landscapes in search of the optimal solution, or the 'highest peak.' This methodology allows for the observation and analysis of search behaviors and strategies among individuals and groups, particularly in varying problem complexities. 

The primary goal is to understand the interplay between exploration (seeking new possibilities) and exploitation (optimizing known solutions) in organizational problem-solving contexts.

A key finding from the project so far is that the diversity of approaches within groups make them search in an efficient manner that tends to outperform individuals on both complex and simple problems.


Jacob Sherson

Professor with Special Responsibilities

Oana Vuculescu

Associate Professor

Mads Kock Pedersen

PhD Student Department of Business Development and Technology