Helene Friis Ratner


Associate Professor, Ph.d.

Primary affiliation

Helene Friis Ratner

Areas of expertise

  • Education
  • Science and technology studies
  • Organization studies
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Datafication and digitalization

Contact information

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Email address


My research focuses on the impact of AI and digital technologies on welfare areas such as education and child welfare services. I am particularly interested in how data-driven technologies influence the organization of welfare and the relationship between the state and citizens. Previously, I have conducted research on data-driven governance and management, including an ethnographic study of the Ministry of Education’s “Data Warehouse” and national tests. Theoretically and methodologically, I draw inspiration from anthropology, science and technology studies (STS), and organizational theory.


Datavisions: Teaching in the Age of Digital Data Visualizations (Principal Investigator). Funded by the Research Council for Culture and Communication (FKK) from the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF). 2021-2025.

Algorithms, Data, and Democracy (co-Principal Investigator): Collective project funded by the Velux & Villum Foundations. 2021-2031.

REPAI: Responsible AI and Value Creation (co-Principal Investigator): Collective project funded by Grundfos. 2024-2028.

Teaching activities

Educational Studies (MA):

Governance and Management of Education and Learning

Master in Educational Leadership (Executive Education):

Coordinator and member of the educational agency for Master Education programmes.

Strategic Educational Leadership

Leadership and Organization of Professional Practitioners

Master's Project

PhD Courses:

The Ends of Data: Theories, Methods, and Interventions in Critical Data Studies (2024)

Living with Algorithms: Power, Practices, and People in a Datafied World (2022, 2024)

Technology, Subjectivity, and Affect (2021)

Governance Infrastructures (2018)

Selected publications

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