Thomas Kristensen



Primary affiliation

Thomas Kristensen

Areas of expertise

  • Management Accounting
  • Lean Accounting
  • Cost models
  • Stress and Accounting
  • Budgeting

Contact information

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Full Professor at Aarhus University since May 2022.

Currently heading the Cand Merc (Master) in Management Accounting

Deputy director and founder of Center for Accounting

 Reviewer for: Accounting, Auditing and Accountability journal, International journal of operations and production management, International journal of production research, Production Planning and Control, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Technological forecasting and social change,


Thomas Borup Kristensen has several years' of experience doing research projects with large Danish corporations. His PhD thesis is based upon the collaboration with three large Danish companies within the area of Lean, Management Accounting and Profitability. Moreover, Thomas has given lectures at practitioners' conferences with business leaders. 

His research is about, lean and management accounting, stress and accounting, costing models, budgeting, and lean.  He uses different methods. 

Teaching activities

Thomas Borup Kristensen is teaching at E-MBA, the master program in Management Accountin

He also supervises theses and supervises PhD Students. 


Moreover, he is the founder of Danish Accounting Network, a network with more than 1300 memebers consisting of practitioner and academics. 

g, HA (bachelor) and HD-R (part time students) in management accounting. 


Thomas Borup Kristensen collaborates with Standford, Harvard business school, Connecicut state university, Kyoto University, Aalborg University, Bristol university, Copenhagen Business School etc. 

He is also collaborating, or have been, with many international large schale companies like LEGO, Aalborg Portland, Deloitte, Linak, Vestas, Ecco, Velux etc. 

Job responsibilities

PhD degree from Center for Industrial Management, Aalborg Universitet - Ranked top 5 in the world - 2010

Master degree in Management Accounting from 2006 - Aalborg University

Assistant and Associate professor 2011-2019 - Aalborg University

Full Professor 2020-2022 Aalborg University

Won best paper with Amy Edmondson and Henrik Saabye, IJOPM in 2022. 

Selected publications

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Selected activities

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