Luseadra Joy McKerracher


Assistant Professor, PhD

Primary affiliation

Luseadra Joy McKerracher

Areas of expertise

  • Pregnancy and birth
  • Dietary habits
  • Health Promotion

Contact information

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Luseadra McKerracher (she/her) is an Assistant Professor at the Section for Applied Public Health, largely working with the Section's Health Promotion and Complex Interventions group. Her current work largely focuses on food security during pregnancy and peri-natally, but she also has broad interests in understanding and disrupting health inequities during critical junctures in the human lifecourse. Most of Dr McKerracher's work is framed within a Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) framework.

Job responsibilities

I am responsible for teaching two master's levels courses in the health professionals master's program (sundhedsfaglig kandidat; SFK) and contribute to teaching several courses at the undergraduate level across public health and medicine. I also supervise master's and bachelor's theses from all three of these programs (SFK, Public Health, and Medicine) and am currently a committee member for one PhD student. 

At the moment I am leading one research project on cross-national policy perspectives on food insecurity during pregnancy and peri-natally; I co-lead a second project on understanding the possible impact of health inequities research on shaping community health inequities in Denmark; I collaborate on a number of projects on social determinants of health/ health inequities; and I contribute to three projects that involve using various art forms to translate scientific knowledge to the public and to develop public health literacy. 

With regards to academic service, I am part of an international leadership team for a network committed to understanding and mitigating income-based food insecurity for pregnant people and young families (the Nourishing Futures Network/ NFN); I am serving as a review editor at Frontiers in Nutrition; and review 10-15 ad hoc reviews for multiple anthropology, public health, nutrition, and medical sociology journals.  

Selected publications

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