Mette Jakobsen - 3rd year PhD presentation
Competent, but female: Does competence conformity combat gender discrimination in the hiring process?
Info about event
Supervisors: Ann-Kristina Løkke Møller & Sarah Krøtel
Discussants: Bart Verwaeren & Rahul Anand
Using a large-scale data set with real-world recruitment processes from Denmark, this article examines gender discrimination based on three hireability measures during the hiring process, i.e., recruiters’ initial ratings of applicants, invitation to interview, and hires. We investigate whether this is moderated by applicants’ conformity with competencies specified for the job by recruiters prior to the job posting. Overall, results show that being female has a positive impact on the initial rating and invitation to interview, but this does not necessarily translate into hires as female are less likely to be hired in the end of the hiring process compared to males. Gender discrimination is not heterogenous by job applicants’ competence conformity. Based on industry affiliations of the recruiting companies, we provide nuances of the results by conducting sub-group analyses.
The presentation will primarily focus on the fourth paper of the dissertation.
Everyone is welcome!