ODA seminar by Dr. Timothy Coombs

Dangerous Landscape: Moral Outrage Inducing Crises and Other Sticky Crises

Info about event


Tuesday 3 October 2023,  at 15:00 - 16:00




ODA Section, MGMT

On 3 October at 15:00 in room H216, Dr. Timothy Coombs, Professor of Crisis Communication, Ohio, USA and editor-in-chief of Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, will present a seminar entitled: 

"Dangerous Landscape:  Moral Outrage Inducing Crises and Other Sticky Crises"

While we know a lot about how to manage “typical” crises, we know little about how to manage more extreme forms of crises that are known as sticky crises. Sticky crises can be defined as “crises that are made complex and challenging due to some combination of the situation increasing susceptibility, extending over an extended period of time, evoking moral outrage, spreading across an industry, and/or affecting multiple industries and geographic areas” (Coombs et al., 2020, p. 47). They last longer and pose unique leadership and communication demands. Moral outrage inducting crises are a common form of sticky crises that has received attention. The presentation will begin with a general discussion of sticky crises, then explore moral outrage inducing crises in more detail. We will explore what moral outrage is, why crises evoke moral outrage, how this emotion reshapes crisis communication, and optimal responses in such crises.

For more information: contact: Professor Winni Johansen, wj@mgmt.au.dk

Everyone is welcome, but only after accepting the Outlook invitation sent to all MGMT staff (limited places available).

W. Timothy Coombs (Ph.D., Purdue University, in Public Affairs and Issues Management). He is a former Professor at Texas A&M University and an advisor for the Centre of Risk and Crisis Communication. He has been an honorary professor at the former Dept. of Business Communication and at the Dept. of Management from 2015-2020. His primary area of research is crisis communication, and he is the creator of Situational Crisis Communication Theory. He is the current editor-in-chief for Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, and former editor for Corporation Communication:  An International Journal. He is the editor of numerous books and handbooks, including Ongoing Crisis Communication (7ed.). His research has appeared in Management Communication Quarterly, Public Relations Review, Corporate Reputation Review, Journal of Public Relations Research, Journal of Communication Management, Business Horizons, and the Journal of Business Communication. Dr. Coombs has lectured and consulted on crisis communication in China, South Korea, Estonia, Sweden, Denmark, Indonesia, Belgium, and the UK. Dr. Coombs has worked with a variety of consultancies, corporations, and governments.  He is currently on the FDA’s Risk Communication Advisory Committee.