PhD defence - Shahab Kazemi

Essays on the evolution of human-computer relationship in a smart home context

Info about event


Friday 19 January 2024,  at 10:00 - 13:00




Department of Management

To complete the PhD study programme, Shahab Kazemi presents his PhD dissertation, giving a public lecture followed by a defence.

Title of the dissertation: Essays on the evolution of human-computer relationship in a smart home context

Theme for the defence: The evolution of human-computer relationship in a smart home context

Assessment committee

  • Professor Polymeros Chrysochou, MGMT - chair
  • Professor Ben Lowe, University of Kent, UK
  • Professor David Woisetschlaeger, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany


  • Professor Marco Hubert
  • Professor Lars Frederiksen

After the defence, the department will host a reception in Shahab's honour. This will be held in room 2628-M212 (Valhalla).

Where to find the dissertation: The dissertation can be downloaded from Shahab Kazemi’s homepage prior to the defence.  

Everyone is welcome!