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Sustainable packaging, sustainable production and consumption, and organic farming. MGMT has received funding from Horizon Europe for three different…
Adjunkt Sonja Perkovic fra Institut for Virksomhedsledelse har modtaget en bevilling fra Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond under Inge Lehmann-programmet…
Assistant professor Sonja Perkovic from the Department of Management has received a grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark under the Inge…
Center for Små og Mellemstore Virksomheder ved Aarhus BSS udbyder en ny uddannelse for ejerledere, der stiller skarpt på grøn omstilling,…
A team of Danish researchers at the Department of Management at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, is to prepare European companies for a future…
In 2018, the English word ‘hangry’ was officially added to the Oxford English Dictionary. A combination of ‘hungry’ and ‘angry’, the word is defined…
One man’s vision and groundbreaking agenda in the food sector 30 years ago was decisive in establishing the first centre in Denmark working with the…
Professor of management Irene Pollach from Aarhus BSS at Aarhus University has received DKK 2.7 million from the Independent Research Fund Denmark…
A new study from Aarhus BSS suggests that companies which keep the option to work from home following the COVID-19 crisis are more efficient and…
Congratulations to Louise Nørregade Buch, Frederik Bang and Nina Sofia Persson. Out of the 100 students enrolled on the degree programme in Commercial…
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