Michael S. Dahl wins the Third Annual Award for Responsible Research in Management

The award is given for the article 'Pay-for-Performance and Employee Mental Health: Large Sample Evidence Using Employee Prescription Drug Usage'

Professor Michael S. Dahl

Professor Michael S. Dahl from the Department of Management receives the award for his article ’Pay-for-Performance and Employee Mental Health: Large Sample Evidence Using Employee Prescription Drug Usage’ in Academy of Management Discoveries (co-authored with Lamar Pierce). The award for Responsible Research in Management is co-sponsored by the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR.org) and the Community for Responsible Research in Management (rrbm.network).  

The award is given to honour high-quality scientific research that addresses critical issues in business and society. 

Read more about the award at the Responsible Research in Business and Management website

Read more about the research at Aarhus BSS: Performance-based pay can affect mental health