New important handbook on organisational crisis management is out

Finn Frandsen and Winni Johansen, Department of Management, are the editors of a new handbook of crisis management and crisis communication which has just been published by De Gruyter Mouton in Berlin.

Finn Frandsen and Winni Johansen. AU Photo.

The handbook (601 pages), entitled Crisis Communication, consists of 28 chapters that give the reader an advanced introduction to the key concepts, models, theories and debates within this vibrant field.

Classical areas of crisis management and crisis communication are updated, reframed and renewed. New and under-researched fields of study are introduced, such as internal crisis communication, whistleblowing, employee reactions to negative media coverage, crisis consulting, global and multicultural crisis communication, supply chain crisis communication, inter-organisational relations, sense-making, resilience, public sector crisis communication, political crisis communication, social media, visual crisis communication, and ethics and crisis communication. The 43 authors are renowned international scholars from all over the world with many years of expertise from within their specific areas.

The handbook documents the need for more crisis management and crisis communication research at business schools and universities. The book is an obvious choice for academics and practitioners who want to learn more about research in organisational crisis management during times of COVID19.

See more about the handbook at

For more information, please contact Finn Frandsen and Winni Johansen