LINKS is a game-based platform designed to assess and enhance divergent thinking, a key component of creativity. Our platform challenges players to expand their creative horizons by generating semantically unrelated words, pushing the boundaries of conventional thinking.

The core feature of LINKS is its use of semantic distances to evaluate creative thinking skills. As players navigate through various levels, they are tasked with producing nouns that are not only unrelated to a given prompt word but also distinct from each other. This approach allows for a nuanced assessment of creativity.

Performance on LINKS is scored based on semantic distances, utilizing a vast dictionary and the Glove model for word representation. This method ensures a comprehensive and accurate measurement of creative ability.

Recent updates:

  • User Experience Studies: We've delved into understanding how players interact with LINKS, ensuring an engaging and intuitive experience.
  • 2D Visual Word Representations: Our latest feature includes visually dynamic representations of words, adding an extra layer of interaction and enjoyment.

Further Information

Bianka Szöllösi
Data Scientist 
Cognitive Science MSc
Aarhus University 

  • Dictionary Expansion: We plan to broaden our word database, enhancing the depth and variety of gameplay.
  • Teaching Tool Potential: Exploring LIKNS' capabilities as an educational resource is one of our key objectives.
  • Research and Education Applications: LINKS represents an approach to understanding and measuring creativity, opening new doors in both research and educational fields.