AI narratives and job displacement views among students

This project explores the impact of AI narratives on job displacement perceptions among Business Intelligence (BI) students at Aarhus University. Through a randomized controlled study, we examine how HI and autonomous AI narratives influence participants' beliefs about future AI-related job displacement.

The results showed a 15 percentage point drop in perceived automation after a brief HI narrative presentation. This underscores the powerful impact of narratives in shaping views on the future of work and demonstrates the potential of HI narratives to positively shift attitudes towards AI transformations. 

The study featured a business simulation to give participants practical experience with an early HI BI tool prototype. Despite survey uncertainties complicating quantitative analysis, initial findings indicated a heightened willingness among the HI narrative group to offer specific design ideas for advanced AI-based tools. 

These findings underscore the potential of engaging AI narratives, especially those focused on HI, to enhance psychological safety and promote human-machine collaboration. 

Overview of study set-up


Lau Abild Holgersen

Patrycja Julia Rogozińska

Research Assistant
2627, H203

Jacob Sherson