Impact of AI and Hybrid Intelligence narratives

Controlled studies of the importance of AI and Hybrid Intelligence narratives for perceptions of future of work

Narratives about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Hybrid Intelligence (HI) significantly influence both public and professional perceptions, shaping how technology is integrated into daily life and workplace dynamics.

AI narratives often highlight themes of automation and independence, portraying AI as a potential threat to human labor and instilling fear of job displacement. In contrast, HI narratives promote collaboration, positioning AI as a supportive partner designed to augment human skills rather than replace them. These differing stories not only impact societal views on technology’s role and ethical implications but also strongly affect workplace attitudes. An emphasis on automation might lead to employee anxiety and resistance, whereas a focus on hybrid intelligence can encourage a more welcoming approach to technological adaptation and innovation.

Through our controlled studies, we aim to delve deeper into these narratives to guide students and professionals in forming a balanced understanding of AI's capabilities and limitations. This comprehensive perspective is crucial for developing a workforce that is not only skilled but also adaptable to the rapidly evolving AI landscape.

Study purpose overview



Patrycja Julia Rogozińska

Research Assistant
2627, H203

Ida Bang Hansen

Research Assistant
2627, H206

Michail Beliatis

Associate Professor
Herning, Innovatorium DBD-212

Lau Abild Holgersen

Jacob Sherson

Benedicte Ravn

Ph.d. Student
Herning, Innovatorium DBD-207