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B2B researchers Chris Ellegaard, Martin Jørgensen and Jim Pedersen from the Department of Management aim to answer this question in a research project…
From now on, we will need to reinvent ourselves in the workplace by meeting, laughing, drinking coffee and socialising through our computer screens…
A long career in the university world, both at the former Aarhus School of Business and at Aarhus University, comes to an end. After many years as a…
New project from Aarhus BSS shows that to get safely through the corona crisis, managers must change their company’s organizational design, introduce…
The article 'A spiral of voice? When employees speak up on internal social media' has been selected as an Outstanding Paper in the 2020 Emerald…
Jacob Sherson and Center for Hybrid Intelligence wins the Falling Walls ’Science and Innovation Management’ category for work on Breaking the Wall of…
Associate Professor of Management Alice Grønhøj has received a DKK 2.9 million grant from Independent Research Fund Denmark. She will investigate how…
ScienceAtHome and the Center for Hybrid Intelligence move from Department of Physics to Department of Management
Finn Frandsen and Winni Johansen, Department of Management, are the editors of a new handbook of crisis management and crisis communication which has…
Interest in becoming one of the first students in Denmark to specialise in Commercial and Retail Management has been overwhelming. This degree…
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