Quantum Jobs HR Assistant

This project aims to assist HR professionals in the process of generating job posts in the field of Quantum Technology.

We created “Quantum Jobs HR Assistant”, a GPT-powered HR assistant that helps write relevant and interesting job offers to the quantum industry. This assistant is based on industry-focused information which is particularly useful when writing job descriptions without deep knowledge in the field. 

This project is separated into two main components. First, we scrape relevant job posts from LinkedIn to build the assistant’s knowledge base of existing job offers in quantum technology. Subsequently, these offers are processed to extract the required skills and the tasks mentioned and find the similarities and connections between job posts. 

Lastly, we have created a chatbot in the OpenAI platform that can help you write a job offer starting from a job title. The assistant guides the user through finding the appropriate tasks and skills to mention in a job offer based on its knowledge from the LinkedIn database. When required skills and tasks are identified, the assistant can generate a job offer, either from scratch or from a template uploaded by the user. Additionally, the Quantum Jobs HR Assistant can be used to search its database to find existing LinkedIn job offers if you want to read them yourself.

Learn more about Hybrid Intelligence in Human Resource Management (HRM) here

From LinkedIn data to job match

Discover the Quantum Jobs HR Assistant: A brief guide


Anna B. Holm

Associate Professor 

2628, M340
+45 93508314

Eleni Karydi

Resarch Assistant


Jacob Sherson

Paul-Arno Lamarque

Data Scientist


Ana Alina Tudoran

Associate Professor 

2621, 1c
+45 87165193

Thea Rolskov Sloth

Research Assistant

2627, H206

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