Promotional Displays and Consumer Behavior at the Point-of-Sale

Promotional displays, that is, special placements of an article in the salesroom, are frequently used by retailers and manufacturers to attract customers’ attention to specific products, to trigger unplanned purchases, and thus to increase brand sales. Hence, it is nearly impossible to shop at a grocery store without coming across at least one promotional display.

Empirical studies show the effects of promotional displays on sales; however, they seldom attend to the determinants of the effects of displays from the shoppers’ perspective. For example, there are hardly any findings about the role of the display’s location in the shop. As a starting point we assume that the congruence between the product presented on the display and its setting or location in the store will have an influence on consumer-related outcome variables (e.g., attention, impulsive buying).

The findings of this project will not only provide information on the actual sales impact of promotional displays but also allow conclusions to be drawn about the mode of action of displays at different areas within a retail store.


Professor Sascha Steinmann

Prof. Dr. Gunnar Mau (Economic Psychology, Deutsche Hochschule für Gesundheit und Sport, Berlin, Germany)