Ferdinand Scholarship

Dear Students at Commercial & Retail Management

You will soon reach the end of your studies at Aarhus BSS’ new master’s program Commercial & Retail Management. Then, you and your fellow students become graduates who, with a unique starting point, are ready to make a career in retail.

Salling Group – a founding partner of the programme
Salling Group is one of the core business partners of the master programme in Commercial & Retail Management. Together with a number of other strong companies in the sector, we have contributed with both knowledge and funding to support this new program at Aarhus BSS.

By supporting this initiative, we hope that we can help hatch some of the country's most talented students, who can help raise professionalism even further, when they join the industry. Together we can create even better experiences for customers.

It has been a huge pleasure following your journey, since you started your education in September 2021. We are deeply impressed by the professional level, you are demonstrating.

The Ferdinand Scholarship
We want to show our continuous support to you students with this new initiative of the "Ferdinand Scholarship". The scholarship is DKK 25,000 for each recipient and is named after Ferdinand Salling, founder of Salling Department Stores and father of Herman Salling, the person behind today's Salling Group. The Scholarship is funded by the foundation, Købmand Ferdinand Sallings Mindefond.

Criteria for application
To be eligible, your internship supervisor must encourage you to apply for the scholarship.

Your internship supervisor will encourage you to apply if you demonstrate a very high professional level in your assignment and your internship assignment at the same time meets the following criteria:

Through the internship and internship assignment, you have managed to:

Create value for the internship company
Done a work that is value-creating for the company

Demonstrate a strong practical business understanding of retail dynamics
Shown curiosity, initiative and courage in understanding everyday life in retail and at the same time based on your knowledge acquired from the study challenged the internship-company with new ideas and views

Contributed with views that can help make everyday life better for customers
Demonstrated a strong customer focus in your reflections

Demonstrate an innovative mindset
You have met the tasks wih a creative approach where the focus was on developing and/or realising a good idea or improvement potential.

If your internship-supervisor encourages you to apply for the scholarship, you can submit a summary of a maximum of three pages of your assignment.

The awarding process
The scholarship will be awarded to the 3 best internship assignments.

As mentioned above, you have to be encouraged to apply by your internship supervisor.

When you submit your summary, you should be aware of the confidentiality agreement that you may have made with your internship company.

The submission deadline is 20th February and the summary can be sent to: ferdinandlegatet@sallinggroup.com 

A scholarship committee consisting of the Dean of Education and representatives from Salling Group will select the 8-10 best assignments. The selected students will then have to pitch in front of Salling Group's senior management team, who nominate the top three for the Ferdinand Scholarship.

Should you be awarded a scholarship you will receive further practical information about payment etc.

The scholarship comes with a great story, and we are proud that it will be distributed among you.

Good luck.


Louise Gade
EVP HR, Salling Group