1st Commercial and Retail Management Forum

Current Trends in the Retail Space – Challenges and Opportunities for Commercial and Retail Management

Info about event


Friday 3 December 2021,  at 09:00 - 12:30


Aarhus BSS, Fuglesangs Alle 4, 8210 Aarhus V, building 2610, room 515


Free DKK

Invited participants

  • Founding partner HR, guest lecturers and specialist representatives
  • Researchers and lecturers
  • Representatives from COMRE 

The aim of the morning get-together event is to create an opportunity for partner representatives to meet the researchers and a few students under an informal setting and thus build a strong community around the program.

The event will be held in english.


Welcome by Professor Sascha Steinmann, Aarhus BSS and Carsten Wandorf, CEO Fritz Schur Consumer Group/head of the founding partner group

Trends in Omnichannel Management:

Presentation by Professor Stephan Zielke (Aarhus BSS & University of Wuppertal)
Digitalization has dramatically changed the retail landscape and the COVID pandemic has even accelerated this development. We discuss trends and challenges arising from these developments in the areas of channel design, integration and technologies. 


Coffee Break

10.15 -10.40
Digitalization and Customer Brand Engagement:

Presentation by Assistant Professor Masoumeh Hosseinpour and Assistant Professor George Tsalis, Aarhus BSS
Technologies can facilitate and inhibit customer perceptions, decision making processes, and purchase behaviors. We will discuss effects of several technologies available in physical retailing on the in-store experience, customer brand engagement and further customer responses.

10.40 – 11.00

General Discussion, Conclusions and Closing of the 1st Commercial and Retail Forum

Tapas and Networking