Benchmark survey

Benchmark survey

The benchmark survey benchmarks the KPI at project start and project end to be able to measure progress in terms of the objectives of the project.  It also explores consumer perceptions and behaviour towards the plant-based food and diets and the discussion around this trend, and how these change over time. The first benchmark survey was conducted in May 2021. The research team conducted an additional benchmark survey midterm, in October 2022. The benchmark survey at the end will be conducted in spring 2024. 

The study is registered on Open Science Framework. 

You can find selected more detailed analysis of the data below. 

PDF - Project PlantPro – Accelerating an efficient green consumer transition - Benchmark survey answers May 2021 and October 2022 

PDF - Citizen agreement to policies and actions – Short note from PlantPro Benchmark survey October 2022

You can find a video on some results from the benchmark survey in May 2021 below. 

Benchmark video

The aim of the PlantPro project is to identify key success factors in industry and societal transitions, to map consumer factors that determine acceptance and behaviour across consumer lifestyle groups, assess environmental impact, and measure the effect of nudging, information, and motivation on behavioural change in public and private settings under real-life context. It will deliver a catalogue of marketing and policy actions. The benchmark survey will aims to measure several of these aspects at the project start (to later compare it to the same survey at the project end) to be able to measure progress in terms of the objectives of the project. It will also explore consumer perceptions and behaviour towards the plant-based food and diets and the discussion around this trend, and how these change over time. An example of what we tackle in this survey is to see if there is a perception of conflict with regards to plant-based eating. 

If you are interested in reading the slides shown about the first benchmark survey at Plantebranchens årsdag 1.9.2021 in greater detail, please see the pdf here. 

Jessica presented further results from the first benchmark study at a network meeting for ‘future plant-based value chains at SEGES 31.03.2022’, please find the slides here.